Saturday 24 April 2010

Sonic Youth > Coliseu do Porto > Live Recording

If it wasn't for the two encores, this would have been a very nice concert from a band that proved to still be -- as if they needed to -- in great shape. With the two encores featuring songs as "Candle" and "Death Valley 69" this was a memorable concert. I'm not one of those who thinks that Sonic Youth should be paying more attention to their old stuff. No, they don't really need to. They're still releasing good and relevant material. Yesterday -- as in their recent shows, with the exception of two dates in Spain last week due to Mark Ibold's absence -- they played The Eternal almost in its entirety in a bit more than one hour plus two songs from Sister, "(I Got A) Catholic Block" and "Stereo Sanctity". The album works extremely well live, but it was the last four songs that made the night so special. And this is not a bad sign. This is what happens when a band has to carry the burden of releasing albums such as Daydream Nation and EVOL relatively early in their career. Albums that were not only genre-defining, but also crashed into people's lives and crossed generations.
The recording is not as bad as i thought it would be, considering the high, echoing ceiling of Porto's Coliseum and the fact that i was way more focused on Kim Gordon's legs than on my recorder. Anyway, you can tell for yourself.

1. No Way | 2. Sacred Trickster | 3. Calming The Snake | 4. Anti-Orgasm | 5. (I Got A) Catholic Block | 6. Malibu Gas Station | 7. What We Know | 8. Antenna | 9. Leaky Life Boat | 10. Stereo Sanctity | 11. Walkin Blue | 12. Poison Arrow | 13. Massage The History | (Encore 1) | 14. The Sprawl | 15. Cross The Breeze | (Encore 2) | 16. Candle | 17. Death Valley 69

Sonic Youth - Sacred Trickster Live At Coliseu by ashtapes
Sonic Youth - Candle Live at Coliseu by ashtapes

Download: Sonic Youth at Coliseu do Porto


greenlight said...

thanks for taping! mp3??? is your master mp3 or .wav? love to have .flac version...cheers!

Adolfo said...


zerapaz said...

És grande!

Unknown said...

Associei link, espero que não se importe. Se quiser que remova é só avisar. Obrigado.

kobravideo said...

tenta ao menos comportar-te como um taper e converte os wavs em flac, não em mp3, e acompanha-os com um text com informação sobre equipamento que usaste, ou será que é assim tão difícil?

joão said...

@richard, drop me an e-mail if you want the files on wav or flac.

@Paulo César, sem problemas, só agradeço.

@kobravideo, os ficheiros são e serão disponibilizados no blog apenas em mp3. se quiseres os ficheiros em flac ou wav terás de me contactar por e-mail.

greenlight said...

@joao, email sent.

Nuno said...

acho que vou iniciar um peditório, para uma estátua, João! :D


em grande, sim senhor.

Gingembre Gallet said...

oh man, really, many thanks.
stay w/ that attitude :-)

Bita said...

por acaso ninguem filmou o concerto de Lisboa? em principio consigo o concerto do porto na integra em DVD e disponibilizava exclusivamente para troca pelo de lisboa.


joão said...

@bita, eu não sei se alguém filmou o concerto de lisboa, mas estaria muito interessado no dvd do porto. não estarias interessado/a em trocar por outra coisa? manda-me um mail se puderes.

Miguel said...

@bita, desconheço o que se passou em Lisboa, mas tenho muito interesse no do Porto...

Anonymous said...

Deixei mensagem e não te agradeci! A gravação está muito boa dadas as condições que imagino que tiveste para a fazer.

Grande concerto e grande registo!