Sunday 11 April 2010

Kylesa > Porto Rio > Live Recording

Here's the live recording of Kylesa's first concert in Portugal. I was never a metal guy, but thanks to this wonderful promoter I've been opening my horizons to some heavier stuff. There was a very good atmosphere in the room, almost everyone was jumping and moshing and screaming like crazy. I think Kylesa pretty much gave people what they wanted: 1 hour of epic hard-core songs full of energy and anger.
The beginning of the recording is a bit strange, but in general the sound is good and you can really feel the vibe of the crowd. Stream "Running Red" and one song from the opening band, Dark Castle, below. Download link is at the end of the post.

Kylesa - Running Red Live at Porto Rio by ashtapes

Dark Castle - Live at Porto Rio by ashtapes

Download: Kylesa at Porto Rio


::Andre:: said...

Também nunca fui um "metal guy" e a etiqueta "pesado" tem muito que se lhe diga, mas o que interessa é que continues a aparecer e a curtires tanto como nós. Obrigado pela gravação!

Mountain Goat Productions said...

Obrigado pela gravação!
Tens alguma lista com gravações que tenhas feito ? Pergunto isto porque também gravo concertos, tenho algumas centenas, talvez fosse interessante fazermos umas trocas de gravações.
Envia-me email mountaingoatproductions arroba gmail ponto com
podes ver uma pequena parte da minha coleção no minha pagina
fico a espera

naSum said...

Muito bom :)

Anonymous said...

it was a fine night in joaolandia! thanks for the record.